Merci à nos membres de la Section Ontario : Eileen Smith / de la Section Ouest : Peter Balkwill, Tim Gosley, Wendy Passmore / de la Section Québec : Louise Lapointe, Sabrina Baran, Hélène Ducharme, Denise Babin, Clodine Rivest, Claude Rodrigue, Maude Gareau, Geneviève Thibault, Puzzle Théâtre, Association québécoise des marionnettistes
Comme promis, UNIMA-Canada a égalé vos dons jusqu'à concurrence de 750$!
L'appel est toujours en vigueur. Pour tous les détails et comment contribuer :
la Charte d’Aide d’Urgence de UNIMA Dons d'aide d'urgence
Several members of UNIMA-Canada answered the Call for international solidarity for puppeteers of the UNIMA International Commission for Cooperation making individual donations for a total of 950$ to date!
Thank you to our members from Ontario Section : Eileen Smith / West Section : Peter Balkwill, Tim Gosley, Wendy Passmore / Quebec Section : Louise Lapointe, Sabrina Baran, Hélène Ducharme, Denise Babin, Clodine Rivest, Claude Rodrigue, Maude Gareau, Geneviève Thibault, Puzzle Theatre, AQM (Quebec puppeteers association)
As promised, UNIMA-Canada matched your donation up to 750$!
The call is still in effect. For all the details and how to contribute :
UNIMA Emergency Aid information Emergency Aid Donations
For a limited time UNIMA USA is offering their current issue of Puppetry International Magazine for FREE.
REFRAIN et le FAR Festival des arts de ruelle, Montréal
Du 11 au 13 septembre 2020, le FAR Festival des arts de ruelle vous fera vivre une expérience hors du commun en direct des ruelles de Montréal. Toute l’équipe du festival est à l’oeuvre, en ce moment, pour vous livrer un événement vivant et inspiré qui mettra de l’avant des artistes exceptionnels pour cette 4e édition. REFRAIN: Un nouveau regroupement de festivals régionaux artistiques indépendants au Québec Formé en avril 2020, le Regroupement des festivals régionaux artistiques indépendants (REFRAIN) se veut une nouvelle organisation proactive et collaborative, qui mise sur diverses initiatives afin de rejoindre les communautés directement touchées par les festivals, quelle que soit la région. |
Puppet Power 2020 Online - Calgary
PUPPET POWER 2020 - WP PUPPET THEATRE - Calgary IT'S A WRAP: first fully ONLINE festival a success. Participants came from: 81 Calgary, 211 Canada, 88 USA, 32 England, 4 Australia, and 88 rest of world including Spain, Brazil, Tehran, Holland, India, Argentina, Finland 121 purchasers (plus guests), 848 total orders, 9 bursary award winners, 12 Artists from Calgary, 10 Artists from Canada & overseas, 42 separate presentations with 15 ‘main stage’ presentations, and 27 one on one performances. |
Appel des propositions / Call for Proposals
Charleville-Mézières - France
Appel à projets: Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionnettes de Charleville-Mézières L'inscription pour le Festival IN 2021 est ouverte. Les compagnies qui souhaitent poser leur candidature doivent remplir le formulaire ci-dessous avant le 27 août 2020. Date limite: 27 août 2020 REMPLIR LE FORMULAIRE D'INSCRIPTION |
First International ONLINE Student Puppet Festival.
LOOKING FOR: Any production focus on new experiences during the quarantine period and coronavirus are acceptable. Note that all productions should be less than 7 min. APPLICATION DEADLINE: JULY 25, 2020 Priorities: Free subject / Free adaptation of classical or modern playwrights. Experiences of the quarantine period Reproduction social relation after corona Contact the festival: WhatsApp Messenger: +98-936-9364341 Instagram page: IOSPF_ Telegram ID: IOSPF Telegram Channel: Festival Email address: [email protected] |
The Mundo Titere International Puppet Festival - Argentina
Thanks to the valuable collaboration of the Canadian Embassy in Argentina, we would like to consider a non-verbal Canadian production [small format shows program - one or two artists] for our festival program. PROPOSAL DEADLINE: August 10th.
Our Festival provides local transportation, accommodation ,food and an artistic fee to arrange with the guest groups.
Also, we works linking our dates with other Intl Puppet Festivals and Theatres in México, Colombia,Dominican Republic, Chile,Uruguay, Perú and Brazil,becoming feasible to combine then as a Latin American tour. We could collaborate to arrange it, eventually. VISITER LE SITE INTERNET DU FESTIVAL
Dynamo Théâtre - Montréal
Recrutement pour le programme de perfectionnement de l'acteur physique de Dynamo Théâtre
Mis sur pied il y a plus de 25 ans, le programme de perfectionnement de l’acteur physique s’adresse aux artistes professionnels qui désirent s’engager dans un programme de formation continue portant sur le jeu physique.
Dynamo Théâtre offre 210 heures d’entraînement et 3 stages de 30 heures au cours de la saison 2020-2021.
Le collectif La ruée vers l'or, Montréal
Le collectif La ruée vers l'or a le vent dans les voiles! Son spectacle en création "Racontars arctiques" sera accueilli dans les locaux du Théâtre Aux Écuries en septembre prochain, dans le cadre du programme Accueil-Éclair. Le collectif s'est aussi vu accorder une bourse en production de la part du Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec pour compléter ses étapes de création et amener le spectacle jusqu'à sa diffusion, prévue pour l'hiver 2021! Détails à venir... Voyez ici la magnifique capsule réalisée par le Théâtre La Rubrique et le Festival International des Arts de la Marionnette à Saguenay, où Anne Lalancette nous en dit un peu plus sur le processus de création du spectacle. |
Ombres Folles, Montréal
Crédit photo: Jean-Michael Seminaro | Sortir de l’ombre ! Une exposition interactive de la compagnie Ombres Folles pour petits et grands. Cet été, Ombres Folles sort des coulisses de théâtre et investit les espaces extérieurs de la Maison Pierre-Chartrand à Rivière-des-Prairies. Avec des oeuvres de théâtre d'ombre, des marionnettes, des photos et des extraits musicaux, les petits et grands visiteurs pourront apprécier l'inventivité et le talent des artistes qui ont contribué aux spectacles d’Ombres Folles depuis 2005. Du 27 juillet au 4 octobre 2020, aux abords de la Maison Pierre-Chartrand (8000 boul. Gouin Est, Montréal) |
Kobol, Montréal
La saison 2020.2021 souligne le 25e anniversaire de KoboL. 25 ans de création, de recherche et d’audace ! Pour ses 25 ans, KoboL vous présente cette 13e création de marionnettes pour adultes qui vous transportera dans un univers de joie, de gravité, de finesse, d’humour et de pudeur vivifiante où KoboL fait à nouveau œuvre de transmission de l'essentiel, inspiré par la dernière oeuvre de Geneviève Robitaille, désAmours, dont l'incomparable « écriture de vérité », délicate et sensible, en dévoile toute l’humanité. désAmours sera précédé de éLogeDesPetitsRiens 7 REPRÉSENTATIONS SEULEMENT | 2 CRÉATIONS PRÉSENTÉ EN MODE DISTANCIATION SOCIALE (30 % de la jauge maximale) EN VENTE DÈS MAINTENANT ACHAT EN LIGNE > CLIQUEZ ICI |
La Pire Espèce, Montréal
Le Super Centre de Création À l'automne prochain, le Théâtre de la Pire Espèce prendra part en tant qu'acteur et partenaire du Super Centre de Création imaginé par le Théâtre Aux Écuries. Une initiative respectueuse des normes de santé publique, dédiée à l'accompagnement artistique des créateurs et créatrices. Au programme : résidences de créations, formations, conférences, service-conseils... Mais aussi des ateliers à destination du milieu scolaire offerts par 8 compagnies dont le Théâtre de la Pire Espèce. |
Sabrina Baran, Montréal
Sabrina Baran TÉLÉCHARGEZ nos "Trucs et Astuces" GRATUITS pour vous aider à faire grandir votre public en ligne (c'est en anglais!): SUPPORTEZ LE PUPPET PODCAST: |
Sara Tilley, puppet designer - St-John's (online)
The Tales of Dwipa by Prajwala Dixit is told in a series of four episodes, 1st is online now at The other tales premiere Saturday, July 18, July 25 and August 1, at noon Newfoundland Labrador time, and will remain online throughout the summer. Suitable for all ages. Sara Tilley is the puppet designer. This White Rooster Theatre production is presented by RCA Theatre Company. The story follows the adventures of Mima, Lok (a Labrador dog) and Nina (a Newfoundland dog) as they discover Dwipa. Dwipa, a spectacular place filled with vast lakes, meandering rivers and thick forests, is a realm located in the middle of a vast ocean where all living beings communicate with one another through the language of the island called Bhashé. | photo: Vaida Nairn. |
Mermaid Theatre - Nova Scotia
Mermaid sends greetings to the puppetry community. While our headquarters is shuttered and our touring plans await safe travel for people, planes and puppets. There’s considerable activity behind the scenes as our creative team works towards the launch of innovative alternates. We’re not quite ready to share details, but look forward to doing so in the weeks ahead. We welcome a new member to add to the UNIMA Atlantic list. Kate Silver - independent puppetry artist. [email protected] |
Our Space - Toronto
Our Space has been enlightening audiences for the past 5 years with their lovable, relatable characters, and its relative, valuable messaging. It’s a show geared towards all audiences of any age and opens up discussions about mental health. Our Space has figured out how to deliver these important messages in a gentle and safe manner, all while adding some humour for its older audiences. Coming this fall we will be releasing videos and episodes staring your favourite characters and their beginnings. You are never to young to learn about mental health, so join us and watch how it all started. For more information and where to watch, visit our website at: |
Applefun Puppetry - Ontario (online)
Every Tuesday and Thursday on Facebook at 11:00 am - a live-streamed puppet craft.
30-minute personal Applefun Puppetry puppet shows are available via teleconferencing applications (Zoom, Google Hangouts, Facebook Messenger etc.). Applefun Puppetry is also offering Personal Puppet Chats and Puppet Greetings. Call Mike at (416) 895-3482 or [email protected] /
Puppetmongers - Toronto (online)
New video tutorials for kids! Our news to share is that we have posted a number of how-to puppetry videos for kids & families. We will be making a few more to add in the near future. The links are at the bottom half of our website home page |
CAOS Slamalicious - Calgary (online)
What's yer Pirate Name? Check out our CAOS friends: Slamalicious (now with more pirates) - new online interactive puppet slam is on July 17! Including Peter “Greybeard" Balkwill & Juanita "Sun Never Sets” Dawn July 17 - Info & Tickets |
AXIS Theatre - Vancouver
Axis Theatre is working to modify our community outreach programs to not only make up for our cancelled programming but to adapt to the needs of our community. We offered our TH’OWXIYA: THE HUNGRY FEAST DISH production archival video to schools during this time as an educational tool for teachers to use on line or in their class. VISION 2020, now titled WILLOWBRIDGE, was a project that had us writing and producing a collaborative puppet/mask play with students of the Cariboo Hill Theatre Company. Our First Nations play TH’OWXIYA: THE HUNGRY FEAST DISH was honoured with several Jessie Richardson Awards including Best Production (2019-2020). |
Joylyn Secunda Productions - Vancouver (online)
Joylyn Secunda and her family (David Secunda & Linda Arkelian) are creating a comedic YouTube series, Isolation Nation! (link) Joylyn plays 10+ characters in the series, coping with the challenges of quarantine life during the Covid-19 pandemic. The latest episode, Accidental Prescription (link) features a giant puppet created by David Secunda. He used his signature knot technique to build a creature from hand-dyed sisal for his puppet and mask company, Theatre of Giants which was based in Ottawa in the 1970s and 1980s. To support Joylyn Secunda's work as a character actor, puppeteer, and movement specialist, subscribe to her YouTube channel, and follow her on Facebook and Instagram! |
The Wishes Mystical Puppet Company @ Winnipeg Fringe (online)
ONLINE: TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2020 AT 9 PM – 9:30 PM UTC-05 Space Hippo (Abridged Edition) by Daniel Wishes The Wishes Mystical Puppet Company (Winnipeg, MB) A hilarious and epic science fiction adventure, experienced with live shadow animation. ★★★★★ - CBC "Funny, delightful, surprisingly touching and beautifully executed" Please consider a donation to help support these artists and continue to provide amazing theatre. Thank you! Comedy/Puppetry Parental Guidance |
Kyle Loven - Vancouver (online)
“One-of-a-kind stage phenomenon” Me Love BINGO! goes online Independent Performance Artist Kyle Loven presents Me Love BINGO! SUMMER LOVE’N EPISODE, created and hosted by Kyle Loven with special guest performers. This interactive game night is here to fill you with laughs and a little slice of summer joy. WHEN: July 24, 2020 @ 7 PM PST WHERE: Livestreamed from my living room to yours! TICKETS: $15 per viewer*, Pay What You Can option* *15% of ticket sales will be donated to the Marsha P. Johnson Institute (link), protecting and defending the human rights of black transgender people. |
Snafu @ The Winnipeg Fringe (online)
EPIDERMIS CIRCUS - new puppetry shorts Body puppetry. Celebrate what is beautiful, gooey, powerful & ridiculous about the fragile meatbag of the human form. ★★★★★ StarPhoenix Produced by SNAFU Society of Unexpected Spectacles Performed by Ingrid Hansen / Created with Kathleen Greenfield & Britt Small WHEN: Thursday July 16th @ 5PM - 530PM PST (BC Time) WHERE: Livestreamed on the Winnipeg Fringe Facebook and YouTube @snafudance |